Tag Archive for: Vata

Ayurveda, the sister science to Yoga, can be wonderfully easy in application because it is based on common sense ideas, however, it can also be tricky to identify which doshas need treating. This Axis YTT student’s Ayurveda experiment took some adjusting to find the right balance.

Ayurveda is a completely new form of natural healing for me.  I am familiar with other types, but prior to Axis Yoga Teacher Training I had never even heard of Ayurveda.  With that said, I had a hard time deciding what parts to try for this experiment.  Ayurveda is so involved and overwhelming at first. I took two different tests that both told me my dosha is vata … extremely vata, with just the tiniest pinch of pitta and no kapha at all.  I figured if two tests say that, I must at least be mostly vata.

With vata in mind as my dosha I decided to try to do something about my dry skin and the fact that I am cold all the time.  I chose to oil my entire body with sesame oil 15 minuets prior to every shower and use it nightly on my arms, hands, feet and legs.  I also have trouble with my feet turning into ice cycles before bedtime, so I bought a blowup footbath that I filled with hot water and a bit of oil to soak in before bed.  For the diet portion I chose to not change what I was eating, but to change the temperature of what I was eating. I switched to all warm food from my normal diet of some warm but mostly raw vegetables with chilled beverages.  I am a vegetarian so a raw diet is easy and enjoyable for me.

I did not get the response I had expected.  I was pretty sure that these things would help reduce my vata but only barely.  What actually happened was quite different.  After about 4 or 5 days I found myself being repulsed by warm food and craving only sugary iced drinks and frozen desserts.  Not really what I was hoping for. My skin on the other hand was wonderful. My feet and hands were in great shape and the rest of my skin was clearing up nicely.

I felt like I was failing.  I just couldn’t make myself eat warm food any longer.  When I expressed my concerns in class, Beth and Susan suggested I might not be as vata as I had thought.  Susan took my pulse and said the left side was vata and the right side was pitta.  It seems that I was aggravating my pitta side while trying to pacify my vata side.  Susan suggested room temperature food rather than hot and almond oil rather than sesame … so I tried again.

The almond oil smells better than the sesame, so I was pretty happy about that change. The room temperature food was not as unappealing and I managed to get it down.  After a couple of days I started eating mostly hot foods again without even noticing.  Now hot food is what I want almost all the time and it seems to be making me feel warmer. My skin is just as soft as it was with the sesame oil.

My thought on what changed in my desire for cold food is that the sesame oil was just too warming for me.  If I have more pitta than I thought, that makes sense, just like Beth and Susan said.  It’s amazing how oil on the outside of your body can change so drastically what is happening inside your body.  Though I will continue to struggle with balancing my vata and pitta, I feel like I am on the right track.  This experiment, if nothing else, helped me to better understand what my true dosha is.  One day maybe I will fell like my vata isn’t raging out of control. I’m not sure I have it totally correct yet, but baby steps are always better than no steps!

As part of their introduction to Ayurveda, Axis YTT students have the opportunity to design an experiment around their dosha. This student must make significant diet changes in an effort to be a better balanced Vata. And finds other Vata recommendations to be a pleasant addition to the daily routine.

I have chosen to incorporate several self-care practices and to change my diet for this experiment. I am very Vata and everything I eat is not recommended for a person with a Vata constitution.

Self care

Meditation 30 minutes

Tongue scraping and Gargle sesame oil

Oil massage

Dietary changes

Cook all veggies

Discontinue dry foods, granola, crackers, dried fruit,

This doesn’t look like so much, but this is nearly all that I eat. For breakfast I normally eat granola and yogurt with strawberries so I could keep the strawberries, but the rest is out. Lunch was a salad all-raw and crackers dry. Dinner was a little better because I eat meat, or fish and vegetables sometimes cooked and sometimes raw. It has been a challenge and fun to find different foods to eat. I have even cooked a few times. It has been the house chuckle that I do know how a stove works. By the 3rd day of my experiment I could tell a noticeable difference in my digestive track, in the past I had never noticed pain but I did have bloating and discomfort. As a result of the dietary changes it has felt softer or easier and less agitated hard to explain. That 3rd day was Halloween day and I work with an 11year old autistic child so we went trick or treating. The people were so generous, they gave me candy too, and of course I ate it. The next day I had an upset stomach and loose bowels and while this got better, I continued to feel pretty queasy for the next 2 days. . I am not sure if this was related to the junk food or an intestinal virus. During those 2 days I ate vata foods but mostly soft foods soup, applesauce and scrambled eggs. I have been feeling well the last 4 days and since have been eating the Vata diet there is a definite improvement in my digestion. I was hoping there would be no difference and I could return to my old eating style. I will have to look at this and see how I can incorporate these foods into my diet. I still don’t like my veggies cooked and I love granola for breakfast. I hope over time my taste will change and I will grow to enjoy this style of eating.

The self-care portion of my experiment has been much easier. I started meditating a short time ago so I included it in this experiment I think I am making some progress in settling my mind and not having constant chatter all the time. Over the last few months I have increased my meditation to 45 minutes and I meditate nearly everyday.  I have been meditating when I wake up: if I get started with my day it seems much harder to stop and meditate. I have used several different breathing practices and tried several mantras I also attend a Mindfulness meditation class so I have tried different things we have done in class. I have found that I can say a mantra and still have my mind jumping all over the place, I have only just begun and I am going to continue this practice for ever I hope. I think Meditation does help me center and prepare for my day.

Tongue scrapping and Gargling with sesame oil; This has been pretty easy to do the gargling with oil was a bit strange at first because it is so thick but after a few times I got used to it. The tongue scrapping was gross as my tongue is coated most mornings. I am not sure if it has improved is now because I didn’t check it before the experiment. This practice has become necessary for me now because if I don’t do it, I feel like I haven’t finished brushing my teeth. I will continue to do both in the future.