People come to yoga for lots of reasons. In some cases, someone us dragged to their first class by their partner and then catch the yoga bug. Others take up yoga actively seeking a source of enrichment. From our perspective, these are the top five reasons to practice.
Reason to Practice #1: Feel at Home in Your Own Skin
Asana practice is a wonderful elixir for greater ease and wellbeing.
By some miracle, a well-designed asana class can dramatically reduce body pain and impart optimism. In addition, asana practice is now a national trend that has found its way into schools, prisons, corporate institutions, and hospitals. Why? Quite simply, it works.
Reason to Practice #2: It’s Cheaper Than Therapy
Poor mental health seems to be a growing epidemic, particularly among the younger generations. Never have been so many choices and so little guidance. What’s more, we have become increasingly divorced from the natural world and the presence it instills. As a result, it is no wonder that people have become increasingly depressed and confused.
Above all, yoga practice can significantly offset stress and anxiety. If you go to a 60-minute yoga class, suddenly your problems seem less consuming because of the healing salve that’s created to last another 24 hours. Therefore, there is an immediate visceral benefit to practicing.
Regular yoga practice gives you the tools to manage your mental health and it’s cheaper than therapy.
Reason to Practice #3: Embody a Yogic Life
Yoga is not just a final destination – to live in communion with the Source. We can bring the spirit of yoga to any actions we perform, such as parenting, watering the garden, making lunch, and meditating. In that sense, the journey is the destination.
Yoga removes the veils that obstruct our ability to see clearly and perceive one life path or dharma. First, a dharmic life is a life that is good for one’s self and for others. Second, a dharmic life gradually leads one down the path of greater fulfillment and meaningful contribution, which is something everyone wants at their core.
Third, a dharmic life sets the stage for spiritual development and an ethical platform from which to grow into our deeper potential. In conclusion, a dharmic life supports us in living more skillfully, with less friction, and in alignment with our core beliefs.
“My Life is My Message.”
-Mahatma Gandhi
Reason to Practice #4: Supportive Association
Yoga practice helps you to connect with people who value health and wellbeing. Personally, I think this is one of the most important reasons to practice. Most people who do yoga actively improve upon themselves and live more consciously. It’s easy to resonate and find a common bond with fellow practitioners.
The Sanskrit word for the fellowship of yogis is Satsang. It literally means “in the company of truth”. Satsang is keeping the company of those who share similar paths and aspirations. Satsang members knowingly, or unknowingly lift one another up through their association. Hence, spending more time in yoga circles can contribute greatly to your social and personal wellbeing. You can read about student testimonials to find out more about DYU’s spirit of supportive association.
Reason to Practice #5: A Grand and Noble Project
In the grandest sense, yoga has more to do with spiritual development than it has to do with getting one’s heels to the floor, like in dog pose. Yoga is the quest to discover our inner essence, or soul that’s a place free from any agitation. As such, the process of our life is continual yoga.
How do we live in alignment with our highest principles? Every thought, every word, and every action is an opportunity to draw closer to yoga’s deeper intent. It is a grand and noble project.