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The answer Krishna gave to Arjuna to kill as opposed to a more peaceful way of dealing with this family conflict was also surprising to me, at first. However, as the story continued I became more clear about Krishna’s guidance to Arjuna to push forward and destroy the enemy. When Arjuna questions how he can support such sin, Krishna said there is no such thing as the killer and the killed, that the body is merely flesh, and at the time of death he attains another body. These limits of the superficial body should not stop someone from doing what he must do.

The true master, says Krishna, realizes that reality lies in the eternal; such people are not affected by the temporary changes that come with the senses. Instead, as a warrior, he must follow his dharma, or duty, where in this case nothing is higher than the war against evil. If he retracts from this battle, he will incur sin, violating his dharma and his honor. He encourages Arjuna to not see the results of action, but rather focus on the work itself, without selfish attachments, alike in success and defeat.

This was profound for me to read. I started meditating on the question of what is my duty, why am I here. Am I fulfilling my duties or am I resisting? During the 3 weeks of my personal experiment I kept asking questions and meditated on them. The answers kept coming.

I realized this will be a long path to find wisdom and peace with my duties as a mother, as a wife, as a daughter, as a member of community and as an earth citizen; however, I understood the key is to keep focusing on the work and not be consumed with the result and how hard or impossible it would be to get there. Krishna tells Arjuna that the definition of a wise man is one who is unconcerned with whether things are “good or bad,” but rather abandons attachments to the fruits of labor. That was beautiful and liberating to hear or read.

I realized as a mother I never stop loving my children. When they were babies with every sound of cry they made I was there and ready to take action, checking on their state of well being. No matter how tired, how sleepy, how hungry, or how sad I was I knew my duty, my commitment as a mother to protect my children without any question. I did not think about any reward any recognition or praise for my actions. I understand this is the way of yoga.

I also understand I have a long way to go to be able to respond to every situation in life in the state of yoga, however, now I have the awareness of not being so worried about how hard this will be to achieve but to simply be action focused and keep pushing forward towards meditative state without agitation or resistance. Krishna encourages action with awareness, or selfless action, designed not to please one’s ego or to gain sensual pleasure, but rather in service to a higher power. I am going to focus that. When Arjuna asked Krishna what happens if someone cannot achieve yoga in their lifetime, Krishna says as long as a person is truly committed to achieving yoga, even if he dies before achieving it, he will be reborn into a situation that will help him complete his journey. He says if one begins on the path, then the divine will help guide him towards his goal, even if it takes successive lifetimes to do it.

Krishna’s explanation about death, living, and the immortal self (soul) was enlightening as well. The timing for picking up this book couldn’t have been better. My mother is very ill and could be dying. I have been very sad about it. She lives far from me, in Canada and even though I have other siblings caring for her I wanted to be with her too. Reading this book helped me cope with the situation much better. My first reaction before starting the book was to buy a ticket and fly to Canada right away.

As I read the story I thought of my duty as a student and how I need to stay focused in my training. My duty as a wife and mother and how I am needed at home. My mom has good help right now, I can visit later or if her situation gets much worse. Then I can decide to go. For now I chose to take the action of prayer for her healing and that feels right. I thought of Krishna saying we are already dead. That’s so true! In the past I would stop praying if I didn’t get the results I wanted but now I see how I was so attached to the result and did not understand the path of action. I now understand my prayers may not heal my mom but I keep praying without expectations. It feels peaceful and healing every time I chant a prayer so I will keep going.

The book has brought up great discussions with my husband and children. This is a great self-help book to read. Whether one is religious or not, the book helps in all aspects of life. I found it to be practical, spiritual, liberating, and enlightening. This book will continue to help me apply krishna’s advice and Arjuna’s questions which were similar to many of my own in my life. I understand how difficult it is to detach from success and good results. How hard it is to see failure or success in a state of indifference but I also understand now it’s not impossible to work towards it. It takes daily focus and conscious effort and the divine in me will come forward eventually.

Axis Yoga Trainings Presents:

Yoga Practicum for Graduating Students
Free to the Public!

You are invited to attend the final practicum for our Yoga Training Graduates. These students have dedicated themselves intensely to the practice and now wish to share the fruits of their discoveries with you!

Click HERE to see the flyer for full details!

Sumptuous Refreshments Served Every Session!

Sixth Ave UCC ~ 3250 E. 6th Ave (Sixth and Adams)

Practicum I: “Awaken Your Inner Child” Sunday, Dec. 7th. 1:15-2:45 (Justine, Rachel, Maria, Tracy)
Practicum II: “Oppositions: Seen and Unseen” Sunday, Dec. 7th. 3:15-4:45 (Jessica, Sona, Leslie)
Practicum III: “A Wholehearted Holiday Hatha” Saturday, Dec. 13th. 1:15-2:45 (Afsi, Marta, Kari, Ada)
Practicum IV: “Soul Renewal and Reflection” Saturday, Dec. 13th. 3:15-4:45 (Jose, Aja, Elle, Brandi)
Practicum V: “Enlighten Your Senses” Sunday, Dec. 14th. 1:15-2:45 (Jennifer, Shannon, Kim, Danielle)

Please bring any props if you have them.

Axis Yoga offers Denver’s Premiere Yoga Training offered on a Pay As You Can basis. We offer a thorough, in depth immersion into the heart of yoga practice. Our 200 hour Yoga Alliance Certified school is designed to meet the needs of all practitioners at every level and propel them into being skilled instructors if they so choose. If you wish to go deeper into your yoga practice, I invite you to participate in this program.

Ah the Master Cleanse…many have tried it, many have failed. Tells us something about the cleanse. And about trying to take short cuts. In the case of this Axis Yoga Teacher Training student, the Master Cleanse may have failed but the effort to cleanse unhealthy habits for lasting change did not.


After seeing great results following my Ayurveda experiment, I was really excited for this second experiment. However, due to personal circumstances I had to miss the panel of Axis graduates, which I think it is extremely important to help trainees through the process. After talking to one of my peers, we decided to do part of the experiment together.  

I have been struggling with weight loss for the longest time. I believed I mentioned this in my first paper. I have always been the chubby one in the family, and I’m very self-conscious about my body. In the past, I used to exercise regularly and was “in shape” and felt somewhat happy about my body. I moved to Colorado in 2012 and since then, I have gained 20 pounds. Therefore, part one of this experiment was a Master Cleanse. If done correctly, this master cleanse was going to help me start that weight loss process quickly and I would follow it with healthy eating and exercise. I decided to do this master cleanse because I had seen results in other people. It seemed simple and doable. I wasn’t doing it alone, so that support piece was taken care of. We did some research and it required the following: distilled water, cayenne pepper, lemon juice and maple syrup. The master cleanse is recommended for at least 10 days.

 I didn’t want to set my expectations too high so we decided to try if for three days and see how it went. Preparation for this cleanse was the key. We decided that since we were not going to eat any solids for three days, we needed to start cutting back on the things that were a daily habit for us. I started with coffee. I am that type of person that HAS to have a cup of coffee in the morning, otherwise I am not a happy person. We decided to start the cleanse on a Saturday. The Wednesday before, I stopped drinking coffee and ate regularly. Thursday and Friday, I decided that all that I was going to eat was fruits and vegetables. Dairy was not a big issue for me since I stopped drinking milk since the Ayurveda experiment. he master cleanse was recommended to be done with other things. We were supposed to drink a smooth laxative every night and in the mornings, a sea salt flush was recommended. I started the laxative tea that Wednesday before to start getting my body used to it.


Finally the day of the cleanse arrived! And oh, I was ready! In my head, it was going to be a great success and my results were going to be wonderful. How wrong I as. I decided I was not going to do the sea salt flush. It was just too much for me… Morning came and I prepared my first drink of the day, while preparing French toast for my daughter. But my will power was stronger than the delicious smell, so I was able to just drink my juice just fine. However, after drinking it, I started having an asthma episode, which I think was as a result of too much cayenne pepper. I even had to use my inhaler, which I only have for emergencies. After that, I decided to modify the amount of pepper and see if it still had the same effect. I kept drinking my juice throughout the day, for a total of 32 ounces. It is recommended that a person drinks at least 64 ounces but I was not able to. I started feeling very weird and weak and even though I knew there was going to be side effects, it just did not sit well with me. I decided to quit this master cleanse and focus my experiment on another unhealthy habit of mine.


I am very attached to my electronics. They have become an extra limb of my body, to the point where I was taking them to bed with me, with the excuse that my phone was my alarm clock. Since my other experiment did not go so well, I decided to stop the use of electronics one hour before bedtime. I have to say that this was extremely difficult. I used my phone book library to help me go to sleep and now here I was, without lifeline to help me to sleep. If I am being completely honest, the first couple of days, I was not able to do it. I felt something was missing and I kept looking for my phone under my pillow. I had to get out of bed and get my phone. Then I started thinking about substitutions. I figured that if I had something else to “hold on to” my transition would not be so difficult. So I decided to start reading a book that I’ve had for a while just sitting there. Again, it was difficult for me to concentrate on my book, thinking about not having my phone near me. However, as the days went by, it was easier. I had forgotten how much power an actual book has and how much comfort and joy books bring into my life.

I am proud to say that now, electronics are out of my room. I got myself a real alarm clock so that I don’t have to use the excuse that my phone is my alarm. One hour before bedtime, all the electronics are turned off and stay off until the morning. I think this experiment reminded me things that I had forgotten, First off, the “easy” way is the hardest and most difficult. Trying to cheat and lose weight without proper diet and exercise only makes it more difficult. Doing this cleanse made me look back to that time in my life when the gym was my best friend and my body was healthy. It also made me realize how damaging electronics can be if we don’t learn how to control its use. I don’t want my daughter to have to depend on electronics, so the change has to start with me as the example. Thank you Axis for including these experiments as part as the curriculum. It made a difference in my journey through YOGA!


We all love the feeling of success. But sometimes it comes in unexpected packages. This Axis Yoga Teacher Training student set out for specific results and felt like a failure when they weren’t achieved. But upon reflection realized very meaningful results were attained in the small changes that were made.