Entries by brooke

Reflections on an Ayurvedic Experiment

Students in the Axis Yoga Teacher Training program have the fortunate ability to experiment with Ayurvedic principles in their daily lives. Each student writes a short paper describing their experience. The following account shows the insights that were gained by one of these students.

The Experiment

For my second experiment I was originally going to try three life changes. I was going to give up processed sugar, adjust my sleeping patterns and do a daily oiling routine. Quickly I realized that changing my sleeping schedule was not going to fit into my current life situation so I had to remove this […]

My Hypothesis

I decided to give up processed sugar because I have somewhat of an addiction to sugar and feel that removing process sugar will allow me to gain more freedom in my eating habits. I feel that breaking this habit will allow me to eat healthier and more conscientiously. Furthermore, I believe that removing sugar will […]

A Few Reflections on the Sugar Fast

The best part of the experiment was the awareness it brought into my eating habits. It was quite eye opening seeing just how many foods I thought were healthy options turned out to be tainted with added sugar. Going to the grocery store was a challenge indeed … dried mangos covered in sugar, breads injected […]

A Few Reflections on Oiling

Oiling produced many of the results I had expected.   Taking the time to oil my body allowed me to become more relaxed and present in my body.   I often had a feeling of gratitude for the amazing tool we have been given during the process of oiling.  The sesame/sunflower oil I used was infused with […]

Ayurveda Daily

One of the enriching parts of the Axis Yoga Teacher Training program is the opportunity to study and apply Ayruveda. This student initially tried to choose a simple ayurvedic experiment, however, multiple daily changes became more challenging than first expected. But as with most challenges, this one came with due reward.

Ayurveda Daily: The Plan

My experiment was to follow chapter five of The Complete Book of Ayurvedic Home Remedies by Vasant Lad. This chapter outlines a variety of relatively simple daily routine Ayurvedic practices. I chose this because it seemed fairly easy to follow, and as I was wrapping up marathon training I wanted to remain consistent in my […]

Ayurveda Daily: The Morning

The first item suggested was to wake up early. I get up typically between 5:30-7:00 in the morning, so it didn’t seem like a stretch to get up at 5:30 as recommended, but I discovered after a few days that doing this daily without fail presented problems. After a week, life’s challenges kept me up […]

Ayurveda Daily: The Evening

One of the most important daily routines suggested I did not do at all. It recommended taking a walk alone in a beautiful place for twenty minutes a day to wind down after work. I know how important my connection to nature is, but somehow I neglected this completely. I read right over it several […]

Ayurveda Daily: Conclusion

In summary, while I was not able to explore Ayurveda as deeply as I wanted to, I did find it worthwhile. Part of what makes it successful to me has less to do with Ayurveda and more to do with resolve and commitment. A major component in a successful experiment is simply sticking it out […]