Tag Archive for: Yoga

 I’ve found in the past that at the root of my anger with inconsiderate people is usually a sense that there is no justice/recourse for their actions. They harm others and there is nothing to be done about it. I learned through trials during this experiment that approaching the action with a different mindset—imagining that the person is simply unaware of the impact of their actions, not purposefully trying to harm others—fosters goodwill in my responses and their reactions. Piling kindness and patience on top of thoughtlessness sometimes does bring about a positive resolution. If resolution is not possible, taking my mind away from the immediacy of the anger (as simple as saying to myself, “non-harming”) allows me to slightly distance myself from the situation and either not react at all or react when there is sufficient perspective to allow for a fair and helpful response.

At the completion of each of our trainings, students are given the opportunity to share any feedback they may have regarding the program.  This might include highlights of their experience or constructive criticism.  Both forms of feedback are graciously welcomed as much of the student input is then implemented into the next training session.  Through this ongoing process of feedback and refinement our program continues to grow and evolve.

There is a confident part of me that thinks that I’ve finally done it, I’ve created the best and most watertight program possible.  At the start of each session I briefly go through that process until I start to discover things that can be further developed and improved upon.  The student feedback is an important part of that process.

Participants are freely asked if they would like to give some testimonial.  They are free to do so or not.  What follows are a some examples of those testimonials, written in a very concise format.  Every paragraph or few sentences is a complete submission.  As a teacher, it is always very affirming to hear their responses.


Overall I feel I gained a tremendous amount of knowledge over the past three months during the YTT program. I’ve grown stronger personally, mentally, physically and emotionally. I am very happy with how my yoga practice has improved and how overall I am more aware of my body and breath in the postures during asana. I also feel very fortunate to have been given the opportunity to learn more about pranayama as I didn’t know much about it prior to the start of the program. In addition, I feel more confident in speaking publicly which was a big fear of mine at the start of the program. Generally speaking though I am very thankful to have been given the opportunity to participate in such an informative program with some highly trained professionals. I would recommend this program to anyone interested in either deepening their practice or becoming a yoga teacher.

The content of this program has allowed me to grow spiritually and as a teacher of yoga. I had the teaching background already so the content really helped me embody yoga for my students.

Axis Yoga Training helped me to not only deepen my own practice, but has given more confidence and knowledge to share my passion with others.

Axis Yoga TT is an in-depth, comprehensive program that prepares students to be able to speak wisely to all aspects of yoga, not just asana. The teacher training at Axis Yoga brought light and strength to yoga in my life. It created a beautiful foundation for me to grow, love and know peace.  This program changed my life. I wanted yoga to be the main course instead of just dessert, and indeed I find it front and center on my plate each day now. I appreciate that this program stayed true to its word in being a “classical” training. This training felt authentic and real and I’m coming out the other end happier.

This program really challenged me. It took my understanding of yoga to unexpected and amazing places. I truly believe I am walking away changed and ready to share yoga in the best way I know how!

The philosophy/theory is such an amazing aspect to yoga, and I truly feel like this program does a great job of making sure we know how valuable it is. I loved practicing sadhana every time we met. This program stays true to its word as a “classical program”.

I Loved all of the instructors! They’re musicians in a band, each contributing their own sound, skill and style. The result was a comprehensive construction of asana, in depth and fascinating representation of sadhana, pranayama, vayus, and interactive kirtan and opportunities to practice teaching. The time spent in the program was one of self-discovery, spiritual and character growth, and I found my voice. I felt like a true community was developed.

All of the teachers were and are inspiring strong leaders. I love this training overall and feel it is a good foundation. It is my desire to go even deeper to take more training.

I came here to grow and that I did. It was a very well rounded program and I learned much more about yoga and my self than I expected to. I recommend the program to anyone who wants to learn and grow.

The diversity of the teachers was phenomenal! All of them wonderful, offering an in depth look into their world of yoga. This program was beautifully integrative. As a whole from teachers to the content. You get a real sense of what yoga truly is. Thank you, thank you!

I would highly recommend the Axis Yoga Teacher Training. All the instructors are very knowledgeable and personable. They really care that all the students learn to be better yogis and better people.

The breadth of the course is marvelous. The teaching staff is well-rounded and very experienced and I really enjoyed the class diversity.

Greetings Everyone,

Axis Yoga Trainings will be hosting an Open House next Saturday July 24th from 4-6pm. The Open House is intended to give participants a very brief introduction to our training program and provide a class/forum for the general public to participate in a yoga class.  The event will consist of  an one and a half hour long class (including pranayama, meditation and asana) followed by an informal Q. and A. session.  The entire evening is offered free of charge and participants are encouraged to bring a mat and something comfortable to sit on.

Again, that’s…
July Aug. 24th, from 4-6pm

Consulate Healing Center 750 E. 9th Ave
(Cap Hill -Washington and Clarkson streets)

Hope to See You There,

Axis Yoga has once again successfully graduated another class of yoga instructors.  Some have taken the program purely for personal enrichment while others will go on to teach.  Regardless of their motivation, students tell me year after year what an extraordinary experience the training was for them, how their whole perspective on yoga has changed and how grateful they are to have participated.  The training culminates in a graduation ceremony in which the students bring their friends and families.

The graduation requires every one’s participation as students assemble the banquette room, prepare food and clean up all in dress attire!  Everyone gets into the spirit of karma yoga and the work seems effortless as everyone selflessly works for the common good.  In many ways, the graduation ceremony is the culmination of their learning.





yoga class 064Axis Yoga’s teacher training program culminates in practicum presentation in which the general public is invited to attend student lead classes free of charge. This is an exciting (and nervous) time for the students and they draw together 4 months worth of study and condense much of it a two hour class. Often times students begin the program with a good deal of apprehension but through the course of study they gradually become more confident and ready to go out into the world and share the wonderful benefits of yoga.

A considerable amount of time is spent preparing for their final presentations. The students are divided into groups of four and each is responsible for a half hour’s worth of content of their two hour long class. It can be challenging for the group of four to create a sequence that is clear on cohesive given the diversity of presenters.

No two classes are ever the same. At Axis Yoga we instruct the participants in how to design classes based on sound sequencing principals. We do not offer a “cookie-cutter” approach. Rather, the students are instructed upon how to take particular skill levels, dispositions and subtle body components into consideration when designing a class. This makes for a very rich understanding of the intelligence behind each of the postures and how to put them together.

The practicum is a time of celebration and rights of passage as the students instruct a group of 30-50 participants through a class of their own design. For many, this is the first class they ever taught. The good news is that many of their friends and family are there to support them through the process. After the class is finished students are always met with an applause and then everyone piles into the lobby for a health-full array of treats and hot chai.

If you were able to attend our final practicum last weekend I want to thank you for your participation. If you were not able to attend, I want to invite you to attend our next one. Graduates of our fall program will be offering the free event some time in mid-December. I hope you are available to attend this fun and inspiring event.

Images from our Final Student Practicum







Dear Students of Yoga;

I want to take a moment to invite you to Axis Yoga’s Final Practicum for its graduating students. This Denver based event is offered Free to the Public. These students have dedicated themselves intensely to the practice and now wish to share the fruits of their discoveries with you!  Sumptuous Refreshments Will be Served Every Session!  Come on out, enjoy a fantastic yoga class, enjoy the fervor and have some chi and sweets!

Location:  Sixth Ave UCC ~ 3250 E. 6th Ave (Sixth and Adams)

Sunday, June 5
Session I 3:30-5:30pm
“The Complete Practice: a Full Yoga Journey” (Phil, Shigeko, Svetlana)

Sunday, June 6
Session II 1-3pm “Lengthen and Strengthen: Entering the Heart of Back bending (Chris, Martha, Samantha, Jim)
Session III 3:30-5:30pm “Opening the Spine and Hips” (Elena, Virginia, Brittany D. Michelle H.)

Saturday, June 12
Session IV 1-3pm
“Heart Openers” (Jessica, Lana, Michelle Le)
Session V 3:30-5:30 “Dessert Yoga: Grounding and Balancing Renewal (Carmen, Nancy, Allyssa, Craig)

Sunday, June 13
Session V 1-3pm “Celebrating Back Bends” (Barbara, Bob, Brittney CT, Rachel)

Axis Yoga is Denver’s Only Donation Based Yoga Teacher Training. We offer a thorough, in depth immersion into the heart of yoga practice. Our 200 hour Yoga Alliance Certified school, is designed to meet practitioners at every level and propel them into being skilled instructors, if they so choose. If you wish to go deep into yoga practice, I invite you to participate in this program.


Derik Eselius
~Program Director~

zrldesign.com | 720-934-6943