Entries by brooke

Experimenting with my daily routine: Conclusions

As I’ve been studying ayurveda and becoming more aware of my doshas, I’ve started to get a better feel for when I am going out of balance. In doing my experiment, I could feel my vata spiking and I quickly realized that I was doing something that was not good for me. I may have […]

Teaching to Learn

It is not uncommon for Yoga teachers to fall into the trap of spending so much time teaching that they neglect their own practice. This Axis Yoga Teacher Training student has found out early on the importance of always being a student of Yoga. As described in the following account, self-study of the asanas heightened […]

Teaching to Learn: Intention

Throughout my time here at Axis Yoga, playing the role of the student has come very naturally. I have always enjoyed the student perspective; gaining knowledge so that I can pass it along and utilize what I learn outside of class. I have yet to fully grasp the concept that I am the one now, […]

Teaching to Learn: Goals and Results

For this experiment I had more than one goal in mind. I wanted to not only take the time as it presented itself to get together with other students and friends so that I can practice my instructing and build the confidence necessary to move on in my teacher training. Also, I wanted to focus […]

Teaching to Learn: Realizations

Near the end of this experiment I decided, “You cannot stop now”. So I have developed and remain to nurture that intention, to keep teaching myself through my instructing of others and to allow the others to teach me while I pass along the know-how that I will hopefully continue to gain as I continue […]

One Step at a Time

Using Ayurveda and western medicine as a guide, this Axis Yoga Teacher Training student found a path to a healthier body. This student found success in making significant dietary changes by taking it one step at a time. Healthy substitutions were made gradually rather than trying to change everything at once. The end result was […]

One Step at a Time: Realistic Goals

My initial interest was with the pancha karma process but after my first experiment, I fully acknowledged that I have a tendency to overwhelm myself with challenges as a means of self-punishment.  While this process sounds like something I would like to do in the future, I knew it was above and beyond what I […]

One Step at a Time: Step One

In recent years, I found myself loading up on a lot of processed foods and diet sodas for periods of time until I would feel awful and sluggish and then I would go through bouts of healthy eating where I would make all of my food at home with no processed or “chemical-ized” foods.  This […]

One Step at a Time: Step Two

Given that I was so agitated from quitting Diet Coke, I knew I had to include coffee and caffeine so I made quitting as many forms of caffeine as possible part of this process.  I decided that this would be my second step.  I only allowed myself teas and I made sure that the teas […]

One Step at a Time: Step Three

For my third step, I decided to compare the food choices for kapha and the list that was given to me by my doctor and I made up a list of what I could eat.  From there, I chose recipes that included those items and set up a diet plan I could follow.  Unfortunately, I […]