Teaching to Learn: Realizations
Near the end of this experiment I decided, “You cannot stop now”. So I have developed and remain to nurture that intention, to keep teaching myself through my instructing of others and to allow the others to teach me while I pass along the know-how that I will hopefully continue to gain as I continue to deepen and sharpen my own yoga practice. I plan on teaching a few days each week to friends and family with no expectations of making money only gaining practice and experience. A very honest and humbling realization presented itself to me as I was preparing for this paper, I have grown a great deal. From the first experiment to this last one, from day one to every day since then; It was as though I had planted myself in a garden the day I enrolled in this teacher training program. And with the nourishing hands of the teachers here at Axis and through the encouragement of all the others in the program we have all grown in this garden, into a community of glorious and flourishing pupils who will continue to spread and seed others and their lives with the compassion and nourishment we received here ourselves. I found much more than myself and my potential dharma through this program, I discovered a family of like-minded people that will always have a spot in my heart as I continue now on my own path and they on theirs. I am grateful and blessed for all that I have been taught and for all that I will be able to pass along.