Tag Archive for: Yoga

Integrated yoga Postures

Integrated yoga postures do not happen on their own.  An astute yoga teacher goes beyond a route understanding of poses or scripped sequences.  More than likely, they understand anatomy and physiology and how all the components of the body fit together.

This allows them to intelligently sequence their yoga classes such that one posture seamlessly unfolds into and complements the next.  As a metaphor, it is a little like seeing the underlying patterns that solve a Rubik’s Cube. The novice will hopelessly turn the thing over and over, daunted by the interwoven puzzle.

“Oh, I think I got it!” Is soon followed by by “C^@&,
I messed up the other side!”

As any beginning yoga student can attest, the poses initially appear unattainable.  However, with practice, one learns how to lovingly work with the inherent structure of the body and encourage it to gracefully open to create integrated yoga postures.  At first, the green side of the cube may start to emerge. Eventually, the other sides of the start to open.  Red, yellow, blue, white and orange begin to gradually follow suit.

To skillfully solve the puzzle it helps to understand how all the colors relate to one another, to learn what postures feed into other postures. This process is a journey of trial, error and discovery.  With time, one learns how to create integrated yoga postures that are much greater than the sum of their parts. 

Sometimes you need a more blue practice that features forward folds, other times you need a fiery red practice that emphasizes back bends.  Or perhaps you need a yellow practice to brighten your day. Some understanding of anatomy will give you the tools to work with the body and safely approach more and more advanced postures that suit your particular needs, whatever color that may be.

“This is the beauty of yoga practice…”

In part, this is the beauty of yoga practice. It is an ongoing process of self discovery.  One gets to explore how the different parts of their body are interwoven with one another and how to bring these components together into one seamless expression. All the colors align to foster ultimate wellbeing.  

This is my final letter of 2019 to share with you a commitment for 2020. I continue to expand the reach of my offerings and want to make yoga training available for everyone. As you know, yoga is beneficial in so many ways and it only seems reasonable to share it generously.

Yogis practicing yoga nidra

Yoga, as a traditional practice, is the skillful and earnest exploration of the personal and transpersonal human experience. Yoga as a practice of personal discipline and self-inquiry is and will always be “free” to explore, and the teachings are readily available in publications and on the internet. All of us long for peace on the deepest level.

And while weekend immersions and retreats are powerfully transformative,
not everyone can access or afford it.

I’m very excited to announce that my first two primary Colorado offerings in 2020 will be offered on either be donation or Pay What You Can basis.  I will teach my yoga nidra training collaboration with Axis Yoga/The Yoga Underground, and Erik Vienneau the founder of Awake, both of whom share a commitment to accessibility.  I list the events here in short form:

  • Pay-What-You-Can Yoga Nidra Immersion at Axis Yoga/The Yoga Underground Jan 31-Feb 2nd
  • Awake Meditation 1-Day Retreat, by donation, at The Gathering in Evergreen Feb 9th

Please spread the word, particularly to those typically may not be able to afford more advanced training.  There is limited at these events and early registration is recommended.

For complete details on these and many other offerings please visit my website.

I hope this holiday season brings you heart-felt connections with loved ones. And we can share in a desire to make yoga training available to everyone.

– Jeremy Wolf

How Do I Develop a Home Practice?

In an age of unprecedented amounts of distractions, it’s no wonder that so many people struggle with having a regular home practice.

How to start?  Ideally you receive instruction from a qualified teacher who gives a specific method and guidance based on your particular psycho-physiological constitution. Pranayama (breathing practices) is a vital component of getting the mind to be less rebellious and able to focus.  The fellowship of fellow practitioners (satsang) is also very supportive.

Though less ideal, people also turn to meditation apps such as Headspace, and Rod Stryker’s Sanctuary for instruction.  There are plenty of online resources for asana practice as well. Start with the first step. Postponing, or just thinking about a regular practice will not have the same effect.  

A regular home meditation and/or asana practice marks the transition from being a yoga student to becoming a yogi. A yogi is someone who recognizes their limitations and has taken ownership of their evolution. They see the value of regular practice and make it a priority.

Doing 10-15 minutes of meditation a day is an excellent start. Practicing asana for 20 minutes is also beneficial.  Ideally one can dedicate a half hour to an hour on a daily basis. It does not have to be all or nothing.



a man stands in a yoga pose next to a windowWhat does it take to be a yoga teacher training student?  Yoga teacher training is a significant undertaking for every student. And one should be aware of the demands and expectations in advance.

Enter the Unknown – Some, if not much, of the content in this program may be new to you.  The content might seem foreign and unfamiliar.  It is a little like traveling to a foreign country where you may not have a grasp the language or the food is different.  The experience of travel is always revealing and can show you a world entirely outside of your known reality.

Experimentation – You can also look at the yoga training as an experiment in which the outcome is not entirely certain, though you have a hunch that it will lead you to a better place.  Yoga practice is unique in that you are both the subject and the object of your study. 

You are not standing there doing tests on something in a petri dish – you are both what’s in the petri dish and the scientist. You are the canvas and the painter.  The program will support you in integrating the pieces of the program into the grand experiment of your life.

You are both what’s in the petri dish and the scientist.

Dedication –  This program is challenging at times. There will be days when you joyfully anticipate class and other days when you may feel challenged and don’t want to go.  Apply yourself to the process to get the most out of it, and know that you will most likely not understand or integrate all of the content. Dedication will help you make the most of this opportunity.

Class Participation – The classroom thrives when people ask questions and fully participate.  Your participation contributes to the welfare of the greater class atmosphere. The program happens over an extended period of time and the cumulative effect of everyone’s participation is quite powerful.

Learn the Craft of Teaching – Being a confident teacher is not a given. As with learning any craft, at first, it can be awkward and unfamiliar.  Inevitable questions arise such as: where do I position myself in the room? how do I demonstrate? how do I find my voice? What happens when many different skill levels show up in the same class?  And many other questions.

It can take months or even years of personal practice and teaching on a regular basis before all the components of teaching come together into one unified whole.  One gradually learns the best places to position themselves in the room, how to bring inflection into their voice, and how to see the postures with great insight.

You will also become masterful at designing classes that meet the unique needs of the students.  You might even accumulate a stash of jokes to let loose at the perfect moment!


Reasons To Do A Yoga Teacher Training

No matter what program you decide to go with (ours or another), a yoga teacher training costs a lot of money, takes a lot of time and asks a lot of you personally. There are many reasons to never take one up. In my view, there are also four reasons to do a yoga teacher training.  And it’s essential if you want to teach.



Reason #1: Adios Sporadic Practice. You’ve read my thoughts about the importance of having a consistent personal practice. I believe that the most potent way to develop one is to do a more involved training.  Maybe you had a real streak in your practice at one time and faintly remember the magic.

I’ve spoken with so many people who think that what they need is to improve on their downward facing dog and develop a positive attitude, when what they really need is a steadfast and safe container in which to be guided into practices that unravel years of accumulated tension and start to re-vision how they see themselves and the world in which they live. 

Start to re-vision how they see themselves
and the world in which they live.

Reason #2: Exponential Momentum. A 60 minutes asana class will only take you so far. The content of classes more or less repeats itself week after week versus a teacher training that builds sequentially and continuously, like a staircase taking you to the top floor balcony where you can see the entire landscape of yoga and your life. 

Dedicated attention from a knowledgeable teacher and a committed circle of peers will exponentially increase your growth. You will receive the support of the class and give support in turn.

Reason #3: Who You Become. One of the biggest benefits of doing a yoga teacher training is who you become. You learn how to manage your mind, eliminate distractions and chart a new path of greater peace and fulfillment.

You don’t just read about these things, you do them for 3.5 months. Yoga teacher training will put yoga at the forefront of your life.  Practicing yoga on a consistent basis for 3.5 months will forever change how you see yourself and how you relate to the world.

Reason #4: Become More Self Reliant. At the end of the program you may discover that you’ve become the source of your own happiness, rather than projecting your sense of worth onto objects or individuals. You’ll probably find that you live in greater accord with what is most important.  Yoga provides a handbook.

Our first yoga teacher training began in 2003.  And since that time I have worked with hundreds of students who come for two basic reasons.  They either want to teach or to deepen their yoga practice.

Be Inquisitive & Expand Your Options

Mainstream yoga focuses on the postures.  However, the potential scope of yoga is far more encompassing. A individual yoga practice is essential to your success as a student and a teacher.

I suggest expanding your options and be open to learning about other yogic modalities. Personally, I feel drawn to personal yoga practice that is rooted in tradition and I offer students the full scope of methodologies.

After some exploration into the deeper, often ignored world of yoga, you might realize that what you really want is to be an ayurvedic practitioner and help people with nutrition and lifestyle rather than teach asana classes. You may find that you really resonate with bhakti yoga (the yoga of devotion), or want to emphasize meditation in your personal practice.  Yoga has so much more to offer beyond the poses. 

There are many possible ways you could ‘do yoga’ in the world.

Find and Learn From a Teacher You Resonate With

You can read my in depth thoughts on the ethos of being a teacher, but I thought I would share some of the most essential aspects here as well.  Not all teachers are equally knowledgeable.  Some teachers will leave a much greater impression than others.

The teacher is there to guide the student on a journey from misperception to seeing themselves and life more fully.  They provide a living, embodied example of yogic principles and are also knowledgeable about the particular methodologies that best suit each student (including asana).  Of course the student is responsible for doing work, the teacher simply provides guidance.

In assessing a teacher see that they have a seasoned understanding of the various methods and also demonstrate a regard for the greater welfare as opposed to just themselves.  Personally, having a teacher who is deeply attuned to the spiritual aspects of yoga is essential.  I consider this to be essential for a student who wants to deepen their yoga practice.

There are lots of yoga trainings in Denver. Each with its own approach and clientele.  Here is a traits of yoga teacher training students that resonate with us. And, in full disclosure, the qualities that don’t.

  • Yoga is not a fad for you. 
  • You want to teach yoga (formally or informally). You know that life can be impossibly overwhelming. People struggle to manage their emotions, feel trapped within their lives, and spiritually depleted.  Yoga helped you to address all of that and it can help others as well.
  • You are easy going, friendly, giving and supportive of one another. You can get on board with a culture of ‘service’ and ‘support’.
  • Value being punctual, and starting class on time out of respect for your peers. You participate in classes and workshops by asking questions and even challenging some of the ideas presented.
  • You have a home practice (in some capacity) and want the most of each class.

Other Traits of Yoga Teacher Training Students…

  • You are willing and able to complete assigned papers and readings.
  • Crave to know yourself more fully and to be inwardly resourced when facing the challenges of life. You stretch into new territory and the discomfort that may go along with that
  • You regard the roots of the yoga tradition. You want classic teachings beyond common cliches such as “this practice is for you”.
  • You have a genuine interest and curiosity about yoga beyond simple asana. Asana is a means to a much greater end that includes stability, equanimity, and spiritual development.

And we have a special place in our hearts for people who…

  • You desire conversations and philosophies with depth. You value wonder and mystery more than “knowing things”.  Our yoga training content is multidimensional.
  • You can be open, honest and self-reflective and are willing to be vulnerable.
  • If I ran into you at  Natural Grocers (Vitamin Cottage), at the Tattered Cover bookstore, we could strike up a nice conversation
  • You are dubious of excessive technology and excessive materialism.
  • A rich supportive community of like-minded seekers is your jam
  • You care about the welfare of the underserved and may want to bring yoga to those communities. You resonate with underground movements that do a lot of good although they don’t get much recognition. 
  • Appreciate that we are a good-hearted and small business. Some administrative details will feel more like a drive through a scenic country road than mainlining on the interstate.
  • You continue to seek balance in your life between your own needs offering help to others.

The following kinds of people are not a good fit:

  • People who are not interested in introspection and just want the yoga teacher training certification
  • Principally want to study yoga as a form of exercise, and no interest in the entire scope of yoga, including spiritual or personal growth
  • Habitually late, and have minimal regard for the collective learning environment
  • Are better suited for a luxury cruise liner than being on a sail boat working side by side with their peers actively contributing to complete the journey together
  • Dependent on technology and could not envision a class, a 10-minute break, or even shavasana without checking their phone
  • Have no interest in personal development.
  • Are exceedingly dependent upon mobile devices. They could not see themselves getting through a lecture, or even a 10-minute break without logging in.

Ever studio has its own culture and set of expectations. These traits of yoga teacher training students offer a clear indication of whether or not our program is a good fit for you. Go with a program that most resonates.

It’s always fascinating to hear how people got into yoga.  For some the process was quite gradual. For others it was a more immediate and affirmative knowing.  “I did not even know it was possible to feel this way!?” For others the road to yoga may have been more rocky and could generally be classified into one of five ways.   Perhaps yoga pulled you through hard times:

  • A Traumatic Event: For some this was a difficult divorce, ending a significant relationship, or an accident. Something has changed their lives forever and they can’t go back to how it was before. Yoga has provided shelter, healing and renewed hope and they want to build on that foundation and perhaps teach others.
  • Burned Out: Whether it’s being a social worker who is continually exposed to the plight of so many, a parent or caregiver (or just an over-giver), many people come to us depleted.  The stress of “trying to keep it all together” has become too much. Maybe they are looking for a career change. They may also come to us in malaise or even depression. They are ready to fill their cup for a change (and not feel guilty about it).
  • Wound Up: Others have come to us with unwanted anxiety, a stressful job,  feeling trapped, questioning if they will ever “be enough”, or generally frustrated with life.  They want to know how to regulate their emotions.
  • Physical Situation: a persistent health issue, sports or dance related injury, body image concerns, or general bodily discomfort. While we won’t promise any miracles and we are here to support one in feeling greater ease and vitality in one’s own skin.
  • Conscious Life Shift: Some have felt lost and without a compass. Others have overcome an addiction, a career change, a recent move or some other big life shift.   The timing seems right and they are ready to mature spiritually and finally do that yoga teacher training that they have been waiting for.

Regardless of the issue, yoga has pulled you through hard times.  Perhaps it even healed you.

If it is, and you’re considering our Denver based yoga training, here’s some of what we’ve learned over the years about who is and is not best suited for the program. 

Who are the best yoga teacher training students for DYU’s program? Here is a robust list of the student qualities that most resonate with us. And, in full disclosure, the qualities that don’t make for a good match.

You are the kind of person who….

  • Doesn’t see yoga as a fad, hell bent on nailing handstand or getting a ‘workout’. You don’t obsess about getting the best yoga pants.
  • Wants to teach yoga (formally or informally). You know that life can be impossibly overwhelming. People are confused, unable to manage their emotions, feel trapped within their lives, working stressful jobs, spiritually depleted to the point of numbness, have destructive coping mechanisms, isolated, and or scared.  Yoga helped you to address all of that. You know it could help others as well.
  • Is easy going, friendly, giving and supportive of one another not competitive with each other. You can get on board with a culture of ‘service’ and ‘support’ for one another
  • Values being punctual, and starting class on time, out of respect for and in support of your peers instead of consistently disturbing class by showing up late. You participate in classes and workshops by asking questions and even challenging some of the ideas presented.
  • Committed home practice (at least 15 minutes per day or are working towards that) and are dedicated to making the most of the classes attended.
  • Is able to complete assigned papers and readings.
  • Eager to learn, transform and crave to know yourself more fully and be inwardly resourced when facing external challenges (e.g. relationships, the pace of modern life, or unexpected crises). You are okay with being stretched into new territory and some of the discomfort that goes along with that.
  • Appreciates that there are many modern styles of postural yoga and have regard for the roots of the yoga tradition. You are drawn to study traditional, classic teachings and texts beyond common cliches. You want to know the bigger picture of yoga because you are dubious of what western yoga has become.
  • Genuine interested and curiosity about yoga beyond simple asana. You recognize that asana is a means to a much greater end (i.e. stability, energy, equanimity, meditative awareness, and spiritual development).
  • You have been doing yoga for 2-10 years


Derik Eselius, lead teacher trainer talking with yoga students.

And we have a special place in our hearts for people who…

  • Drawn to conversations and philosophies that have depth. You want to expand the lenses through which you see the world and yourself. You value wonder and mystery equally with “knowing things”. 
  • Can be open, honest and self-reflective and, in so doing, are willing to be vulnerable. People who are aware of their own stuck places and were healed through the grace of yoga.
  • Found at Natural Grocers (Vitamin Cottage), at the Tattered Cover bookstore, dancing, outside, and at meditation and yoga classes.
  • Dubious of excessive technology, inordinate materialism, and living in a culture that is consumed with anxiety and fear.
  • Desire a richly supportive community of like-minded seekers.
  • Care about the welfare of the underserved or underprivileged and possibly want to bring yoga to those communities. You are drawn to underground movements that do a lot of good although they don’t get much press. 
  • Recognize that we are a good-hearted and small business and some administrative details will feel more like a drive through a scenic country road than mainlining it on a speedy interstate.
  • Yoga teacher training students who seek balance in your life between tending to your own needs and community support; receiving from and offering help to others.

From experience we’ve found that the following kinds of people are not a good fit:

  • People who are just in it for the certification and the cool clothing.
  • Are really only interested in yoga postures and not the greater picture of the yoga tradition
  • Tend to isolate themselves from and not interact with their peer group.
  • Have no interest in personal development
  • Are exceedingly dependent upon mobile devices and could not see themselves getting through a class or even a 10-minute break without logging in.


The dust and confetti of the holiday season has finally settled and perhaps you have gotten some traction on your intention for 2019.  Mine is/was to give up sugar for 40 days. However, the path of living into a new lifestyle is rarely a straight line. More often than not, affecting life changes is a much more messy process.

The seductive voice of comfort and convenience can creep in and derail our deeper knowing and higher aspirations.  In the words of the famed warrior, Arjuna, in the infamous yogic text the Bhagavad Gita:

The mind is very restless, turbulent, strong and obstinate, O Krishna.
It appears to me that it is more difficult to control than the wind.

So how do we get a grip on our detracting desires and live into our higher aspirations? And more specifically, how can yoga help us with that?

On a physical level, yoga postures (and meditation) have been scientifically demonstrated to re-pattern the neural structures and pathways in the brain as well as correlate structures in the heart and gut, each of which has a unique intelligence.  

Yoga can unlock stuck psychological patterning on a neurological level – something like untangling a knotted ball of twine and rolling it back up again, neat and organized.

There are many stories of yogis who willfully embraced extreme disciplines to arrive at a transcendental boon.  Parvati ate nothing but leaves for years to win the hand of Lord Shiva, Arjuna vowed to avenge his fallen son before sundown or take his own life, Gandhi fasted and performed other acts of austerity to strengthen his resolve for an independent India.

Maybe you are not out to marry a god, make a mortal vow, or to topple an empire but you can move towards your higher-self.  This requires a willingness to trade in something of lower value for something of higher, yet unknown value.

Here are four simple suggestions to help you to reassemble any bygone resolutions for the new year or simple take up a new direction for your life.    

Choose Your Battles
What’s the one thing that you can embrace, or let go of, that is going to give you the greatest return on your effort?  If you try to make too many changes on many fronts you are far less likely to succeed. For me, that one thing was giving up sugar.  In part the benefit has come from not eating a toxic substance but the other part is that it has forced me to eat far less processed food.  Which in turn has led to much more emotional and energetic stability.

Practice skillful-means.  Be selective about what changes you want to make and find one simple act that can foster those changes.  Maybe you want to take the task in parts.

Make Incremental Changes
People can cook up an overinflated version of who they think they should be.  Book stores and libraries line their shelves with texts espousing the virtues of being a ‘Bad Ass’. And the latest seminar promises it all: wealth and glory.  Grandeur can often be a toxic mimic of our true place in the world and within ourselves. Perhaps authenticity is more powerful and real than boundless desire.

Sustainable change is much more gradual than sensational.  We see this in nature, the sun moves just slowly enough to be imperceptible; yet we know it is moving by watching the shadows slowly bend in its light.  All life lives in relationship to the sun.

On a psychological level the mind has many self protective mechanisms, many of them unconscious, that easily rebel when they perceive the unknown coming down the road.  Part of us wants to change while other parts stand ready to put on the breaks.  Transformation is less about conquest and more about patience and consistent effort.

Get Support
Another part of the great American mythology says that we must do everything by ourselves, to triumphantly brave adversity and arrive at our personal promised-land.  In fact, you are far more likely to be successful with the support of the tribe. Many people are not fully aware of the degree to which they are isolated and lack the perspective of outside eyes.

Is there someone who is close to you that you can confide in, and start to bridge your intention from your head and into the world.  Even social media could be a possible outlet for getting some collective support and accountability. Or better yet, get the support of a dedicated group of peers.  This could be colleagues at work or some circle that shares the values that you are trying to create for yourself.

Practice Yoga
Yoga has been proven, time and time again, to move the needle away from self-sabotaging behaviors and replace them with more positive ones.  Think of it as having a magic power. And if you water the seeds of this magic power regularly, it will grow. Whether we are trying to sleep better or give up drinking, yoga can help, particularly when given guidance from an expert teacher.

Of these four recommendations I would recommend the last one, practicing yoga, the most.  Followed by getting support. Practicing yoga in a committed circle of peers, under the guidance of a advanced teacher, will nurture your intentions in ways that you are currently not present to.  What’s more it will safely open the door into new realms of possibility.

Much of the year is yet to come and I invite you to gradually foster a more joyful version of yourself for your own benefit and for the benefit of those who surround you.