Tag Archive for: ayurveda

with great curiosity and delight the following three-part experiment was undertaken from thursday the 28th of april 2011 until today, friday the 13th of may 2011.

the first part of my experiment was aligning my sleep schedule with the natural cycle of day and night. my goal was to be in bed at least eight hours before the sunrise in order to support deep, healthy sleep. having spent the last four years on a very noisy street corner, i felt consistent sleeping habits may be an easy place to experience a notable difference in my energy levels and perception of wellbeing.

this goal proved to be very difficult to achieve. in order to be asleep at least eight hours before sunrise, i would have to be in bed by 9 pm. the challenging part was that in addition to the regular oddities of life that keep us up later than we expect, each tuesday, wednesday and thursday evening classes, make-up classes and practice sessions were scheduled until 9 pm every week. occasionally, some went later, even as late as 9:45 pm. as i now commute 45 minutes one way from lafayette, this made my regular bedtime closer to 11 pm on most nights. regardless, i seem to wake about 15 – 30 minutes before the sun rises, which varied from 6:11 am to 5:52 am during the course of the experiment. i soon realized the vanity of trying to stick to my goal of sleeping a full eight hours per night every night by going to bed early. i tried to stay asleep longer by blacking out my extremely large bedroom windows first with dark blankets. the blankets proved too translucent, allowing enough light to easily wake me as soon as morning tiptoed over the horizon. next, i made giant cardboard cut outs (they are reeeeeeally large windows) and both nailed and duct-taped them up. exact fitting proved difficult and light streamed through the sides and seams of my corrugated franken-blind, though it did block much more light than the blankets. now, after the end of the official experiment, i am going to put up aluminum foil. it should be much easier to fit the odd a-frame shape, is much easier to attach than heavy card board, and blocks light much more effectively than blankets or cardboard.

even with my sleep schedule regularly disrupted, most nights i averaged around 7 hours of much higher quality sleep than i have had for years. before moving into the apartment on downing i could easily sleep 9 hours at time. while living in the apartment it was rare for me to sleep more than 6 hours a night. now in lafayette, the quiet and lovely surroundings make going to sleep much easier. waking up also is much easier and has not been accompanied by the sharp aching around my eyes and temples that has characterized my mornings for the last several years. i plan on continuing my cultivation of healthy sleep as it appears to be the single most effective variable i have found to change my experience of consciousness from challenging to vibrant. i am committed to rising early enough to complete sadhana and meditation practice during the sunrise. there does seem to be some energetic benefit, at least in my experience so far, to practicing during twilight.

the second part of my experiment was to follow ayurvedic dietetic principles for a vata dosha. when i first read the text’s sections on discerning one’s dosha, it seemed every single characteristic of vata was something i had lifelong experience in. upon completing the two weeks, i now have some doubts as to whether i am actually vata, or some other combination that is vata-aggravated. i have scheduled with alakananda ma to get some kind of professional guidance in general. i am really looking forward to meeting her, also.

for most of my life, i have prepared and cooked my own food. it has always been a blessing to be able to cook healthy food both for health reasons and just because its fun to share and offer home-made gifts with meaning to loved ones. there were several long-time staples that i culled: 1-2 daily servings of fresh greens, frequently snacking on home-made gorp of nuts, seeds, dried fruit and berries, 2-3 fuji apples a week, raw, home-made chocolates (ouch!!), frequent teas, kefir and fruit as a snack or meal, eating things quickly and often cold, avoiding the foundational trifecta of the american diet, meat, wheat and dairy. for this experiment, meat, wheat and dairy became dietary centerpieces once again. well, not much meat, but it certainly showed up at least three times a week. i began heating everything and finding ways to make formerly cold things hot. for years i have made a tasty gruel (sounds awful, tastes delicious!) of steel cut oats and amaranth in a nut or grain milk, with thick orange zest, and loaded with spices: cinnamon, clove, ginger, nutmeg, allspice and vanilla. i made it with various grains, always with amaranth, tho. it was always my go-to snack in a hurry, and i never bothered to heat it because the spices were very tasty and warming themselves.

after just a few days of heating, i found i could really feel and really enjoyed the warmth of the spices and grains when they are heated up. i was surprised how much i looked forward to the warm gruel instead of just grabbing it and heading out. it didn’t take much to heat either, just toss a little milk in a pot with some gruel. so it’s easy to maintain the change. i also found instead of eating cold sandwiches, i really enjoyed open faced broiled melts with high quality, organic cheeses. eating hot foods was something my belly looked forward to…this is one part of the experiment that has definitely made an impression on me.

sitting and relaxing after eating has also taken some patience. i found i was wanting to immediately get up and start doing dishes, preparing some other dish, attending to other people’s needs…it was challenging to keep in my seat, allowing dirty dishes to set and other’s to attend to their own interests. this principle of resting after eating, not rushing around, but settling and processing, gives me other opportunities to examine my health and relationships, too.

over all, i found i gained a huge amount of weight in this experiment and am going to go back to eating more greens and plants, less wheat and meat. i feel really heavy in general right now. and not just weight-wise. i feel slow and clunky in my head and thoughts. overall, the diet portion of my experiment was very interesting. i have a lot of new questions now!

the last part of my experiment was to spend time outside in nature. i now live near a wildlife refuge north of lake waneka. its about 45 min. to one hour at a brisk clip to walk around the lake and back to home. sometimes i sit and listen to the songbirds or watch the pelicans land gracefully on the water. this part was the easiest to maintain as i find i am super-highly motivated to be outside, watching animals, plants, clouds, anything without a silicone circuit, and simply enjoying it…the rain was such a gift the last few days!! how fresh and lovely she poured her gifts out in abundance over all the land!

being outside, away from synthetic structures, surrounded by the patterns, rhythms, cycles, impressions and details of an unselfconscious wilderness, this has always been a blessing, and feels like a gift to me. while i am still surrounded by suburbia here in lafayette, there is a bumper, a bit of space around it. any day i missed walking waneka felt very much like missing pranayama practice, or asana practice. i felt hard, sharp, ‘activated’. the days i walked, i found it was easier to spot and release a destructive thought pattern and easier to engage in new perspectives or ways of approaching challenges. in general, i am less grumpy when outside. i also realized that while i do practice self-massage in general, it is not the quality of massage that would counter the flighty effects of a vata constitution. i have not spent the time or energy on my own self as i would for another person. this was under my nose, but until now, not directly in my sight, so to speak.

over all, i find there is ample reason to continue exploring the principles of ayurveda. i am curious what a delicious dosha-satisfying menu would do for my friends and loved ones…thank you for creating this particular opportunity for discovery.

Students in the Axis Yoga Teacher Training program complete personal experiments as part of their hands-on education. These experiences help students gain a comprehensive understanding of many yogic principles. During study of Ayurveda, yoga’s sister-science, this student added recommended practices to his usual health routine. He found the resulting data to be “insightful and interesting for personal review and evaluation.”

Prior to this experiment I had no idea of my specific dosha, let alone what a dosha is.  Upon completion of the self study Ayurvedic dosha matrix I determined my constitution to be primarily Pitta with some Vata and even less Kapha.  I know this is not a pure scientific analysis, however, it provided sufficient information for this self study (experiment).

Let me begin with a few lifestyle components that will lend credibility and explanation to this self study/experiment:  I am,

Vegetarian (no flesh), gluten free, alcohol free, no tobacco, no substance abuse issues, no sugar (specifically high fructose corn syrup), active lifestyle, clean diet, epsom salt baths, essential oils and regular yoga practice.  These are some of the essential considerations and not totally limited to these lifestyle equation components.

The experiment commenced on Monday, May 2, 2011 and terminated on Friday, May 13, 2011.  Needless to say the results were not expected to be dramatic, however, still insightful and interesting for personal review and evaluation.

My daily journaling involved food consumption, essential oil application, nightly bathing (shower or Epsom salt bath), waking hour and self massage.  Not to be over looked I added fresh limes, room temperature water (not chilled) and a healthy dose of turmeric, cumin, curry and cinnamon to my daily diet.  As per Beth’s suggestion I did attend two restorative yoga classes during the self study/experiment.  Additionally, I did not attempt to understand or get agitated by any specific situations I found myself involved when the situation seemed somewhat ‘out of control’ or disconnected (ie: line at the bank, line at the grocery store, or any service situation).  Remain calm, breathe deeply and just observe.

Days of specific interest:

May 4:             First extra session taught by Santosh:  Epsom salt bath, essential oils, self massage and reflection on the information (subtle body vayus).  Much deeper meditation (pratyhara) after the class and the evening ritual.

May 6:             Yoga class taught by Santosh: Work prior to and after yoga practice, Epsom salt bath (very hot), essential oils, self massage.  Very hot and unable to cool off after the bath/oils.  Restless evening of sleep.  Not the typical result after the daily routine. No deep meditation.

May 11 and 12:           No caffeine (usually have an AM non-fat latte).  Decided to eliminate my token daily treat (one latte).  No real adverse effects.  No headaches, shakes, abnormal bowel movements or any other noticeable differences (perhaps a little sluggish).  Will decide if I eliminate coffee on a regular basis—stay tuned.  Just need to exercise moderation.

May 13:           Plan on attending Santosh’s 6PM yoga class.  No Epsom salt bath.  Will apply essential oils.  Will work prior to and after the 6 PM yoga class.  Will take note of the differences between today’s routine and last Friday’s evening experience.

The doTerra (www.doterra.com) essential oils used in my daily routine: Peppermint, Wild Orange, Lavender, Melaleuca, Balance (spruce, rosewood, frankincense, blue tansy), Aroma Touch (basil, grapefruit, cypress, marjoram, peppermint, lavender), On Guard (wild orange, clove, cinnamon, eucalyptus, rosemary), Deep Blue (wintergreen, camphor, peppermint, blue tansy, german chamomile, helichrysum, osmanthus) and Citrus Blend (wild orange, lemon, grapefruit, mandarin, bergamot, tangerine, Clementine, vanilla).

Once again, this has been a very interesting component of the Axis Yoga Teacher Training program.

As an aside, prior to the Axis YTT program I did complete my certification in the Aroma Touch essential oil massage technique (certified by doTerra, www.doterra.com).

Students agree that one of the most valuable parts of the Axis Yoga Teacher Training program is the personal experiments. These experiments allow students to experience many yogic principles first-hand. This student practiced Panchakarma, a five-part purification process, for her Ayurveda experiment.

I chose to practice panchakarma as my experiment, to try and balance my vata-pitta nature.

For the first three days I practiced internal oleation. The first day I used ghee, which gave me terrible stomach cramps. I contacted Beth, who suggested sesame oil, which was much better.  During these 3 days, I also practiced tratak meditation using a ghee flame.  This I found very calming and beautiful.

On the fourth day, myself and three classmates practiced Vamana Dhauti, with instruction and guidance from Santosh.  This was quite an experience.  It was fairly intense, yet left me calm and feeling in somewhat of an altered state for the rest of the day.  I took a 3-hour nap this day, which is very uncharacteristic for me.  I did have, what I believe was, a somewhat delayed effect from this practice.  On days 6-9 I developed what I believe was a vata aggravation.  I had a constant, mild-to-severe headache, which after looking in the Ayurvedic Home Remedies book, I found was a vata-type headache.  I also became irritable and felt a general sense of imbalance.  This, I know, was also a result of me keeping up such a hectic pace in my life since this course began… typical vata-pitta.

On days 4-6, I ate kitchari.  On days 5-12, I practiced abhyanga using sesame oil, each night following a hot shower.  I did the foot and scalp massage with sesame oil each night as well.  I found this practice very calming and warming.

On day 12 I received a Marma massage from Beth, which was lovely and calming.  I felt a fairly dramatic shift in the pranic flow during and after the massage.  I felt like it really opened my breath and my heart.

While I enjoyed all of these practices, and felt like they helped to calm and balance my vata-pitta nature, I felt like I shifted too far at times.  During the second week in particular, I felt quite lethargic.  I took several long naps, which again, is uncharacteristic for me.  I slept until 10 am on several days, which is also very unusual for me.  I abandoned my 5 am sadhana practice, which I have been very consistent with since this course began.  If I did practice sadhana, it was much later in the day and fairly half-heartedly.