The self-care portion of my experiment has been much easier. I started meditating a short time ago so I included it in this experiment I think I am making some progress in settling my mind and not having constant chatter all the time. Over the last few months I have increased my meditation to 45 minutes and I meditate nearly everyday.  I have been meditating when I wake up: if I get started with my day it seems much harder to stop and meditate. I have used several different breathing practices and tried several mantras I also attend a Mindfulness meditation class so I have tried different things we have done in class. I have found that I can say a mantra and still have my mind jumping all over the place, I have only just begun and I am going to continue this practice for ever I hope. I think Meditation does help me center and prepare for my day.

Tongue scrapping and Gargling with sesame oil; This has been pretty easy to do the gargling with oil was a bit strange at first because it is so thick but after a few times I got used to it. The tongue scrapping was gross as my tongue is coated most mornings. I am not sure if it has improved is now because I didn’t check it before the experiment. This practice has become necessary for me now because if I don’t do it, I feel like I haven’t finished brushing my teeth. I will continue to do both in the future.

The oil massage is wonderful I thought it would be oily and messy but the oil soaks in to my skin by the time I finish the massage. This may change as my skin gets more hydrated but for now I plan to continue using the oil on my skin and hair.