YTT Graduating Practicums
Our YTT students are about to graduate!
After intensified preparation and practice, they are ready to share their final practicums with the public. Every presentation will be an entirely unique and will feature theory, asana, pranayama & meditation.
Join us for these community-based classes, filled with rich content, and presented by our dedicated students for your enrichment.
Includes: Theory, Asana, Bandha/Mudra, Mantra, Pranayama, Final Meditation
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Saturday, December 7th
I. 11AM to 12:30PM – Living Compassion with Anya, Danny & Alex
II. 1PM to 2:30PM – Balance & Stability in Yoga with Kerry, Terry, Shannon & Lori
III. 3 to 4:30PM – Spirit of Contentment with Michelle, Jasmine & Mariah
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Location & Pricing:
- Saturday, December 7th
- 3250 E. Sixth Ave. – Denver – UCC