Unexpected Experiences: What Wasn’t Planned
Right before starting the experiment, I was given a glimpse of the powerful nature of the mantra, when I discovered my boyfriend of the past three years was cheating on me. The stress of dealing with that, initially, gave me the cleanse I was wanting, as I could not eat anything really for a few days. Instead of practicing asana and prayanam every night for the following week or so, I managed to fit in practice when I remembered to exist. I felt as though I were going through the motions (e.g., work, being a mother, etc.) and was not fully present, which is the complete opposite of yoga. I kept resisting the urge of my being to look inside for comfort and instead buried myself in distractions. I could not face what my life was presenting. Despite this, I managed to fit in three Tibetan cranial sessions with Susan and felt relief immediately after the treatment. In fact, for two days, I noticed I did not start my day with a migraine. Then came the move out of the house I just moved into the beginning of September. The dream house with the yard, close to Washington Park, space for Ahenei, quiet and friendly neighborhood house into a small apartment in the manufactured neighborhood of Stapleton. On Monday, I had a session with Susan that initially staved off the migraine, but as soon as I arrived to work, hit me like a freight train. Tuesday, good morning Ms. Migraine, Wednesday, we met again, and Thursday was no different. In fact, before class, I have found myself being angry in that when I practice yoga I am forced to look inside and that is the last thing I want to look at right now.