The Process of Asana
The yogic tradition is rich in methods and techniques. It is important to remember that the techniques are a means to a much greater end, the complete physical, mental and spiritual integration of the human being. It is equally important to recognize the moment to moment process of transformation that arises within the application of these various methods. As we pay close attention to our breath or the sensations within a posture, we gain insight into the nature of our own experience. From this perspective the path is the destination.
What we call life is already existent inside of us. The various means, including asana, are a way to explore that inner reality that we live with on a day to day basis. While the postures and breathing practices may initially appear quite foreign, they draw upon what is most available, namely our breath our body and our mind. All of the postures and other related practices give us a way to explore the phenomenon of the body and re-pattern it in ways that are much more conducive to deeper states of realization.
This process of re-patterning is what we call transformation. What the practices give us the opportunity to consciously transform our breath-body-mind, in essence our lives, on multiple levels; physically, mentally, spiritually. That is one of the reasons people experience such deep currents of change once they start practicing. Yoga consists of moment to moment dedicated attention to the practices and the ultimate realization of our deepest nature… Everything in-between is called life!