Om Asato Maa Sad-Gamaya
Tamaso Maa Jyotir-Gamaya
Mrtyor-Maa Amrtam Gamaya
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih
From the un-self/un-reality lead me to the self.
From darkness/ignorance lead me to light/spiritual awakening.
From death/fear of death lead me to immortality/knowledge of immortality.
From the moment I first read this mantra, I was immediately drawn to its application in my yoga practice and life. Given that Ayurveda involves lifestyle changes, I thought how appropriate that I choose the Asato ma as the mantra to guide me and lead me through this experiment. Since 2008ish, I have suffered with migraine headaches. Before moving out to Denver from the Washington, D.C. area, I would get them maybe a few times a week. Now, I get migraines so often, that I begin my day with three Advil or Tylenol, so as not to have to take the migraine medication prescribed to me that make me drowsy. I began this experiment wanting to try any and everything that could provide me with relief from this pain. I thought certainly this is not my true self and in fact feels more like darkness and death. After speaking with Beth and Susan, I realized that perhaps the migraines are connected to my diet. Fortunately, for me, Susan is being trained in Tibetan Cranial and offered to provide this form of intervention as an adjunct to my experiment. I was excited and ready to start. At first, I thought I would start this journey with a three day cleanse, followed by almost two weeks of gluten-free and vegetarian eating, and end each day with a 30-minute asana practice and 15 minute prayanam practice. When possible, I wanted to schedule sessions with Susan to track the effect of the treatment and the incorporation of more ayurvedic practices into my life. I braced myself in knowing that more than likely I would not see immediate changes, but something in my “self” was telling me that I was headed in the right direction.