The Yoga of Cleansing & Four Tips for Increased Vitality
Here are four tips to get you started with a fall time cleanse:
If Bramhamacharya is about re-focusing sexual energy, then if I focus that energy on spiritual practice, I will become more aware of my interconnectedness with others on an energetic level and that will reduce my focus on the more primal physical or ego-based connections (ie the source of my non-virtuous words, thoughts, & deeds).
The simple explanation of my experiment is to be chaste or ‘of virtuous character’ in word, thought and deed. On the philosophical level this means to me that I will honor the divinity or authentic self of others by being virtuous in the way I speak to them, about them, act towards them and even think about them. In practical terms I will practice to the best of my ability virtuous character in:
I will observe my behavior and journal about it over the course of this experiment.
I have increasingly become aware of my intentions toward preserving my energy to be directed toward “movement in Brahman.” I began working to create a sacred space for intimacy and prayer. Prior to this experiment, most of my energy in the household was geared toward guests and the “public” parts of our home. I was moved to direct that energy toward my marriage union by taking on unfinished projects in our bedroom and the upstairs (our space in the home). I felt a shift in energy which was very refreshing. Instead of “dropping dead” on the bed at the end of the day, there has been a warmness and sense of rejuvenation in the evening and morning. This has had an immediate effect on my asana and pranayama practice and I know it is directly related to the intentions created through the change of intention through brahmacharya. There is still much more to do through this yama, but I feel that both of us are awakening to the power of these yogic intentions.
The Denver Yoga Underground began in 2003 at the request of dedicated students who wanted to study yoga as a holistic system. Over the years, a diversity of people, seeking education outside of a studio, found a welcome refuge in DYU.
Today we specialize in grassroots Pay What You Can workshops, accessible retreats and our signature yoga teacher training, for the outlier yogi.