Many Axis YTT students choose to experiment with taking a physical action to balance their dosha during the Ayurveda portion of the training. These include changes to diet, completing a cleanse or changing their asana practice. This student took a different approach by changing her mind set in order to find balance.
Tag Archive for: dosha
When I first began learning about Ayurveda, I was astounded to see how much sense it made. Reading about vata dosha was like reading a handbook on my life. Physically, I am the vata poster child. I have dry skin, hair, lips, a thin light frame and muscles. I HATE being cold and LOVE being warm and have perpetually cold hands and feet. My joints crack constantly and I always have lower back pain. On top of the many similar anatomical attributes, I am internally also very vata. I talk fast, think fast, understand fast, but forget even faster. I am creative, intuitive, imaginative, love exercise but love traveling even more. What may have surprised me most are the imbalanced attributes of vata including anxiety, worry, insomnia, and fear, all of which I have struggled with since I was a child. It was very clear from the beginning that my primary prakruti is vata. However, not everything fit into the vata and my secondary dosha is pitta.
In a few major ways, I am more pitta than vata. I am extremely driven, determined, ambitious, critical, goal oriented, confident, competitive, and a leader. I also have (thankfully) regular digestion, which is not vata at all and much more pitta. Due to the fact that I am so strongly vata, and vata dosha is the easiest to become imbalanced, I decided to focus my experiment on balancing vata.
When we began discussing the experiments, I was personally feeling very overwhelmed in my life and out of balance. I felt pulled in every direction. I had taken on too much (again) and did not feel like I was giving enough time or effort into any of my commitments because there were just too many. I am a wife, a high school teacher, department chair, a coach, and a sponsor of an international traveling service club (which I plan completely on my own). I had just barely finished my Master’s degree when I began the Axis Teacher Training Program. I felt like I did not have room to breathe and my anxiety was suffocating me. My insomnia was in full force and I could feel myself spiraling into a depression.
Many people in the class were taking on major cleanses, changing their diets, changing their routines. A few weeks before the experiment began I had to get an emergency appendectomy. This had uprooted and paused my life for the time being and changed so much of what I was working for. Over the last few weeks I had been desperately trying to get stability and normalcy back. The thought of making another change in my life was overwhelming and terrifying. My body and mind did not need more change, it needed grounding, it needed normalcy, and I needed calm stability. After class I wrote Beth about my struggles and fears. I felt so lost and reading back on the email I can feel the emotional desperation. When I read her reply email, it was as if a huge weight was lifted off of my shoulders. Her soothing words and advice were exactly what my imbalanced prakruti needed to hear. Beth told me that it was natural to feel this way, and that our society has set us up for it. She then wrote, “It does sound like your body and perhaps even your heart are begging you to slow down, to allow life to be more simple.” Beth advised that I needed to slow down at work, ask for help, and delegate responsibility. She told me to try the sesame oil massage, practice slow restorative asana, stay warm, eat warm, and even get a massage. Beth stated I needed to not add more but to do less. She finished by adding, “Any combination of these really soft, gently nurturing, luxurious things is what you need right now Amanda. Yes, some things may fall through the cracks but I really think you need to let some of that happen AND ask for some support from others (and then receive it!).” What a concept!!! Ask for help and then receive it? While this may not be revolutionary for some people, it was for me. I have always felt that if you want something done you have to do it yourself. The thought of asking others and delegating work was a little anxiety provoking at first but I was so exhausted by that point I figured I would give it a shot.
I did everything Beth advised me to do and in some ways, let go of doing things. I practiced the sesame oil massage, along with swishing with it in the morning, and scraping my tongue. I practiced slower, restorative asana instead of my usual vigorous, challenging asana. And at work, I delegated! I started asking people to do things. Instead of making the test myself, I had someone else do it. I asked others to research the trip, I asked someone else to go to that meeting, I said I could not take on more work. It was exactly what I needed. My experiment was not about doing more and changing my diet, it was about letting go and changing my mindset.
Ayurveda, the sister science to Yoga, can be wonderfully easy in application because it is based on common sense ideas, however, it can also be tricky to identify which doshas need treating. This Axis YTT student’s Ayurveda experiment took some adjusting to find the right balance.
Ayurveda is a completely new form of natural healing for me. I am familiar with other types, but prior to Axis Yoga Teacher Training I had never even heard of Ayurveda. With that said, I had a hard time deciding what parts to try for this experiment. Ayurveda is so involved and overwhelming at first. I took two different tests that both told me my dosha is vata … extremely vata, with just the tiniest pinch of pitta and no kapha at all. I figured if two tests say that, I must at least be mostly vata.
I felt like I was failing. I just couldn’t make myself eat warm food any longer. When I expressed my concerns in class, Beth and Susan suggested I might not be as vata as I had thought. Susan took my pulse and said the left side was vata and the right side was pitta. It seems that I was aggravating my pitta side while trying to pacify my vata side. Susan suggested room temperature food rather than hot and almond oil rather than sesame … so I tried again.
The almond oil smells better than the sesame, so I was pretty happy about that change. The room temperature food was not as unappealing and I managed to get it down. After a couple of days I started eating mostly hot foods again without even noticing. Now hot food is what I want almost all the time and it seems to be making me feel warmer. My skin is just as soft as it was with the sesame oil.
My thought on what changed in my desire for cold food is that the sesame oil was just too warming for me. If I have more pitta than I thought, that makes sense, just like Beth and Susan said. It’s amazing how oil on the outside of your body can change so drastically what is happening inside your body. Though I will continue to struggle with balancing my vata and pitta, I feel like I am on the right track. This experiment, if nothing else, helped me to better understand what my true dosha is. One day maybe I will fell like my vata isn’t raging out of control. I’m not sure I have it totally correct yet, but baby steps are always better than no steps!
Axis Yoga Teacher Training students learn about Ayurveda as part of the comprehensive Axis program. Students then have the opportunity to implement Ayurvedic principles into their daily routine. Some brave students, like the one below, dive into the Ayurveda portion by experimenting with a full panchakarma (cleanse).
About Us
The Denver Yoga Underground began in 2003 at the request of dedicated students who wanted to study yoga as a holistic system. Over the years, a diversity of people, seeking education outside of a studio, found a welcome refuge in DYU.
Today we specialize in grassroots Pay What You Can workshops, accessible retreats and our signature yoga teacher training, for the outlier yogi.
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Derik Eselius ~ 720.934.6934
Training Location:
Sixth Ave. UCC 3250 E. 6th Ave