The true test of any resolution is to live it!
Yoga Resolution #4: Live Life Authentically
Namaste ‘17!
Welcome to installment number four of our ongoing new year’s resolve series (woot! woot!). The last time we conversed, I introduced the concept of sankalpa. A sankalpa is a deeply held vow or conviction, designed to orient one towards their highest self.
A well developed sankalpa will weave its way into our daily thoughts and interactions. It is more than a nice idea, it is a reflection of our deepest and most earnest heart felt desire. More often than not, a sankalpa has a spiritual tone to it such as the desire to live a life of peace or integrity, though it could be more superficial in nature as well.
The assignment was to craft a sankalpa through self reflection, conversation, journaling, artistic expression, and so forth. Come up with one pithy statement or affirmation that is a reflection of your deepest potential and purpose. (I know, sounds big, as is Life). Here is my personal affirmation for 2017, as an example:
“My Will, Mind and Actions Align with Truth.”
The most important thing is that your sankalpa resonates with you. If you approach it sincerely, a sankalpa becomes a sounding board for all of your thoughts, actions and decisions, gradually it becomes an organic extension of who you are.
Drawing upon one’s sankalpa turns “I will go to the gym three times a week” into “I take loving care of my mind, body and spirit”. A sankalpa has the power to mold and shape our character, and help orient ourselves towards our higher inner and outer potentials. It brings out the best that is already inside of you.
How to Live into Your Resolve?
Once we set the compass of our sankalpa, the true test will be to apply your affirmation to the actual terrain of your life; how you respond to stress, how you adapt to change, how you relate to others. How do we best embody our heartfelt resolve?
- Commit your sankalpa to memory. Say it as a tonic to prevent distress. Say it in the midst of distress.
- Don’t be shy. Boldly place reminders of your 2017 intention in your environment! Clear any clutter from the fridge and turn it into a shrine in homage to your intent!
- Enter reminders in your ‘wisdome phone’ to prompt you to tune in. Are there apps or outside message (such as this blog:) to remind you to stay centered amidst the vacillating currents of life?
- Go Big! Put some stakes in the ground! What challenging yet manageable steps can you commit to that will bring your sankalpa to life. Trips? Adventures? Dates/pacts with friends? Mend or let go of broken relationships? Yoga training? Find a stretch that will breath life into you and your sankalpa.
- Whisper a silent, personalized prayer at the end of meditation asking for guidance and support.
A sankalpa is designed to bring forth, and help us overcome our limitations. Invariably there will be setbacks. Like a scout traversing uncharted territory, you will encounter unexpected challenges and surprises. Maintain a broad perspective as you hone in on the details of living into the gift of your sankalpa.
200-hr. Yoga Teacher Training Open House – Sun. Jan. 22 at 9:30am
Come find out more about Axis Yoga’s ongoing yoga teacher trainings. This will be a great opportunity to experience a class, meet graduates, get your questions answered and get a taste of what Axis is all about! Click here to learn more.