Spring Tonic!
Dear Yogis,
With a big sigh of relief, I’m happy to say that spring season is upon us.
Now is the time for a fresh start…
The new season invites us to rediscover a new level of playful vitality, delight in warmer days and clean house of any lethargic energy that may have build up over the winter season.
The ancient yogis looked deeply into the patterns of nature and discovered that certain practices are most appropriate for particular seasons. The relationship between our bodies, the seasons and our health are not a random process. In fact, they are deeply intertwined.
By shifting our bodily physiology, through asana practice, we can open up a wellspring of health and renewal. Here are a few useful suggestions on how to best adapt to the spring season.
Generally, now is a good time to pick up the pace and make your asana practice more invigorating and stimulating. Get your body, breath and lymph moving!
1. Sun Salutations: Now is the time for this all time favorite asana sequence. Invoke the power of the sun to shine more brightly throughout your day.
2. Backbends: Shake off stagnation by integrating some of these stimulating postures. Think Ustrasana (Camel), Urdhava Dhanurasana (Wheel), and Setubandhasana (Bridge).
3. Twists: Here is another classic, detox delivering, genre of poses that will serve you well this time of year. Give your liver some love!
Of course, this list offers some general suggestions and is a great start for shifting into the season. To find out more about how to seamlessly sequence these categories of poses into a complete soul-refreshing session, I invite you to attend our next Monthly Community Class titled “Spring Tonic”, April 19th, 10:30-12:30 at 3250 E. 6th Ave.