Action and Healing: Introduction
What started off as a simple experiment for a class has turned into healing. When presented with this idea of choosing a “yama” and “niyama” to see if I’d notice any changes/differences/movement the concept was exciting, mostly because I like projects and enjoy a challenge. Ultimately, I chose to take on aparigraha (non-hoarding) as my yama and sauca (cleanliness) as my niyama. I recall choosing aparigraha because I immediately identified non-hoarding as something tangible, as in having a garage or closets full of unused stuff. Of course it made the most sense to choose this for me because, well, spring cleaning was right around the corner anyhow and what a fabulous way to get a jump start, right? Then it came time to choose a niyama and while I like a challenge, the crunch with work and taking this course was a challenge in and of itself through time alone, so I chose what seemed to go hand in hand – non-hoarding and cleanliness. Initially, I thought aparigraha would help me rid of crap in my closets and by choosing sauca, I’d keep them clean; and I would feel better, my home would be cleaner, I would be happier, and so would my family. I found journaling to be the most useful to record any changes, differences, or movement. The journey: